(Clean) Water is a Human Right!
Back in July of 2010, the United Nations General Assembly came together to make history! World leaders recognized “the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights.” In other words, clean water is a foundation for LIFE and we ALL need it to live our lives properly.
World Water Day
March 22nd is one of our favorite days of year, as the World comes together to highlight the importance of this right and the value of clean water. Each year the UN also selects a theme for World Water Day and this year’s theme is “leaving no one behind.” It’s 2019 and there are still over 600 million people living without access to safe, clean water. (Crazy, right?!?) Drinking from contaminated water sources and walking miles to fetch unsafe water is still a reality for so many. Enough is enough. It’s time for the World to come together and take a stand!
10 for 10
This year Thirst Project is turning 10 — happy b-day to us! We we want to make this World Water Day special and celebrate 10 YEARS of clean water by funding10 Wells on March 22nd. That’s $120,000 and safe water for nearly 5,000 people! The World can’t afford to wait. Help us ensure that no one is left behind.
How to Participate
- DONATE – Clean water is LIFE and your support will truly change lives forever.
- FUNDRAISE – Set a fundraising goal to hit by March 22nd. Whether it’s at school or work, you engage your local community to help us reach our goal.
- RAISE AWARENESS – Share this page and let the World know what’s happening. And don’t forget to tag @thirstproject on Social Media so we know how you’re taking action on World Water Day!