How did you hear about Thirst Project?

I heard about Thirst Project through Connor Franta and Allie Speed via Youtube a while back. I didn’t think much about it then. I started volunteering with Global Brigades and it made me fall in love with water, nonprofit, and international development. After my time with them and graduating, I wanted to continue to work in non profit/water and so I did some research and came across it on LinkedIn.


What you are most excited about for the School Tour?

I’m most excited about instilling change in these young peoples lives. While bringing awareness about the water crisis, I’m excited to pave a way for them to step out of their comfort zone and take action. Allowing them to see a tangible impact of their work.


Why you think water is important?

As cliché as it sounds, water is a human right. I was personally able to see the impact of clean water in a developing community in Honduras. I saw how powerful water is as it impacts every single sector of life, from food security, economic productivity, educational opportunities, increased levels of health. Water allows for a holistic sustainable community.


List some hobbies/interests

       basketball #ballislife




       film photography


What is your spirit animal and why?

WOLF! I’m a fierce gurl that rolls through with a deep #squuuuuuad


Where or who do you look to for inspiration?

Selfless people who go against the grain, doing what they love, with an impeccable work ethic to make a positive impact on their community. BC Serna, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Casey Neistat, Misty Copeland, Lily Singh, Kobe Bryant.